I have loved Morrissey from his Smiths days through today. I have taken pause on occasion for things stated in the media but ultimately found no real cause for alarm. Morrissey has never been more than a singer/musical artist - I don't look to him for life advice or spiritual inspiration. I find comfort in much of his music and it can help me explore my own feelings. It is an emotional connection not a philosophical or political one. So whatever he thinks politically, economically, ethnically, etc. is mute in my book.
Most musical artists stay clear of making statements or wearing buttons etc. that proclaim a political stance. Does that mean they are "safer" to listen too?
I don't really know the full breathe of British politics so I choose to stay out of it. I don't pay much attention to elections in states, cities, counties that are outside my ability to take part in.
Fans have a history of overlooking massively horrible behavior in it's celebrities. If they are good looking enough, talented enough, or lucky enough they have gotten away with murder, rape, wife-beating, and all manner of vile opinions while still making critics top lists, winning awards, etc. It makes me wonder what we don't know about - should all celebrity figures have to go through a vetting process before being able to step into the limelight?
So I chose to just not jump on board the slam wagon. I don't put much weight in the unsubstantiated claims that have toppled careers before the validity has even been proven. I take media with several large grains of salt and don't let them tell me what an artist is thinking. Media isn't omnipotent - they don't often even try to understand the motivations of the subjects they are reporting on. They make assumptions or just give pieces of a puzzle in an attempt to color their articles and make a name for themselves. They are self promoters and aren't doing society an unbiased service. They speak more for themselves than for the people.
If the media really wanted us to ignore someone they wouldn't report on them. Negative reporting is still giving the person attention and therefore promotes the person and their positions.
Blasting someone because they are members or sided with an unpopular party or other group is just wrong. I don't generally like the Republican party platform positions but that doesn't mean I disrespect everyone that is a Republican. People join parties because they agree with much of their positions not all. There are Republicans that support abortion and gun control measures etc. There are Democrats that do not support those issues. People don't stop being individuals just because they join a group.
Morrissey has certainly said some things that might have gotten him punched, slapped or even yelled at if he was a friend of mine. But he hasn't said or done anything that would make me stop being his friend. I am sure we would have some heated arguments about some of his ideas but that is what makes a friendship interesting. I have friends and family that tell racist jokes or make comments occasionally that cause me alarm even. But they don't behave racist in their actions. We can't cure the world of racism with intolerance and pettiness. Correct bad behavior in a loving way and educate how negative speaking can be hurtful.
I think the worst comment I have heard reported that Morrissey said was the comment about the mayor of London not speaking correctly. Yet I know too many people that make just those comments about help lines and other call lines when outsourced to foreign countries or otherwise employee people whose first language isn't English. Was what he said worse? Was it just worse because he is a public figure? In real life I would have just shouted "Morrissey! Is that really who you are? Think about what you are saying and shut up if you have such stupid thoughts!!" That would most likely have been the end of it. I wouldn't have stormed off and stopped being his friend.
There are limits though. Actions more than thoughts cause me to stop being a friend. Multiple times in my life I have ended a friendship because I discovered people didn't share my core values. In college, people I thought were my friends might have thought stealing from a grocery store or clothing store was okay but I could not be friends with people that behaved that way. I had one "friend" that would not stop telling racist jokes even after being told they were offensive multiple times, so I pulled my car over and kicked him out. Drug use ended a few friendships as well.
I find at the moment that I am more inclined to stop reading news agencies like NME because of the actions they have taken to attack and smear Morrissey. Their articles just seem mean-spirited and self-aggrandizing. There was no "seeking to understand" or attempt to be fair-minded. They also made it a personal attack and not just based on behavior which is all they could really know. Making assumptions and reporting on them is just bad reporting and shouldn't be encouraged whether you like what they are saying or not.
Wow - there is still a lot more ground to cover and consider here. However, I feel this post is quite long enough at this point. I'll leave ageism, tour cancellations and other considerations for another time perhaps.
I pre-ordered California Sun and am still waiting for it to ship to me - but a review will come along soon. I don't expect anything I have said here to change anything or anyone. It is just opinions and talk.
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