I stumbled upon this Australian band in my bandcamp feed a few months ago. I immediately fell in love with the singers voice and intelligent/emotional/witty songwriting.
After a few listenings I decided I needed to own the vinyl regardless of shipping costs. Luckily they offer a starter pack of their catalog at a discount.
I really love Golden Repair and About Face. Man of Leisure isn't quite as good, but it is still a nice album. You can certainly tell that Tom Iansek is on a trajectory of excellence. Each album is an improvement of the prior one. As someone who generally finds an artists first album(s) better than their later ones this is an unexpected excitement. I am definitely on board for his future releases. Meanwhile I am still enjoying these records quite a bit.
And as if that wasn't enough I found out Tom is also in another band, though #1 Dads is mostly a solo project, Big Scary with Joanna Syme.
A bit fuller instrumentally and more upbeat in general. It has pretty much everything I love about #1 Dads with more depth in sound. I also ordered their started pack on vinyl.
It is almost overwhelming to get 7 albums at once and try to get familiar with all of them. But when the albums are this enjoyable to listen to is it a pleasure.
As usual I am not going to opinion this band or their albums to death. I leave you to form you own decisions as to whether or not to dive deeper. Each band has their own bandcamp listings and websites. They are not linked to each other which seems odd to me, but I assume they want them to stand on their own. Wikipedia has a decent entry on them and they have done lots of videos. You should have fun exploring as did I.
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