Anticipation: recent orders and pick ups

I'm a sporadic buyer of The Residents as they are just so prolific and honestly have been all over the map with their sound.  Everything I've heard from this one so far sounds right up my alley though!  Picking up preorder today at my local shop. 

Pretenders have not disappointed me yet so I am buying this blind as a preorder from my local shop.  I've avoided listening to any of the pre-release singles so I can hear it all first on my record player.

Preordered Bookblacks - Thin Skies from bandcamp - loved the first two records.

Due to Covid shipping delays this one took months to make it to my hands from Germany via Denmark.  It was worth the wait.  Preordered from bandcamp.

I just got my notification about this reissue for preorder from the Soft Cell website and facebook page.  I wasted no time in placing my order as it is a limited run.  I must admit the artwork isn't immediately striking. Still, I can't resist having this first time on vinyl release!

I've been buying all these colored vinyl reissues.  I'm rather happy I didn't have the money to buy the clear vinyl boxset as these are much nicer.  I did miss out on the purple Youthquake release sadly....still holding out hope I'll stumble on one someday.  

This is a big week for me after quite a few rather barren weeks.  Really looking forward to hearing the ones out this week and loving the tension of anticipation waiting for the new preorders.

What did you pick up or order this week?
